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General Program
General Program
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Preliminary Series
General Program
Advanced Leadership Courses
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Course 1: Jesus: His Life and Teachings
Course 2: The Church in God's Eternal Plan
Course 3: An Introduction to Law and Grace
Course 4: The Great Commission
Course 5: God's Plan for Redeeming Man
1st Quarter (Trimester) Comprehensive Exam
Course 6: The Double-Minded Man - a study of James
Course 7: The Work of an Evangelist
Course 8: Elders and Deacons in the Church: An Introduction
Course 9: Hebrew History
Course 10: How to Understand the Bible
Course 11: The Inspiration of the Bible: An Introduction
Course 12: A Life Worthy of the Gospel
Course 13: Panorama of the Bible
Course 14: Christian Education: An Introduction
Course 15: The Holy Spirit
Course 16: The Christian Home
Third Trimester Exam
Course 17: Daniel and Revelation
Course 18: Great Bible Doctrines
Course 19: The History of the Primitive Church: A Study of Acts
Final Exam